Criminal Defense & Appeals Attorney


Media Coverage

Media Coverage of My Cases
We’ve won many criminal defense and appeals cases that have made the news. Innocent people have been freed from prison based on our legal actions.
Corona Man Found Innocent Of Murdering Toddler
In 2012, Mark was convicted of killing his girlfriend’s 17-month-old toddler and sentenced to 25 years to life. James M. Crawford led the appeal and obtained a complete exoneration for his client, freeing him from prison after nearly a decade…
James M Crawford argues in front of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Tri Huynh was convicted of first degree murder with a street gang special circumstance. The trial court gave the jury an erroneous jury instruction allowing the jury to convict Tri of first degree murder with a special circumstance when this…
James Crawford Will Fight For Your Rights
An Orange County district attorney investigator got in a brawl with a court-appointed private attorney (James M Crawford) at Santa Ana’s Central Justice Center on Wednesday morning.
Court of Appeals Says OC Prosecutors Withheld Evidence in Another Jailhouse Informants Case
The appeals court ruling is the latest fallout from Orange County’s jailhouse snitch scandal which centers on how OC prosecutors and the Sheriff’s Department participated in the unconstitutional use of jailhouse informants and withheld informant evidence from defense attorneys.
OC Judge Overturns Murder Conviction Because of Prosecution Cheating
Expect Tony Rackauckas, Orange County’s embattled district attorney, and his staffers to quickly order more gallons of a special brand of potent Kool-Aid called Absolute Denial.
New Trial Ordered for Convicted Killer After O.C. Jail Informant’s Role Revealed
In Orange County Superior Court judge on Thursday ordered a new trial for a convicted killer on the grounds that authorities failed to reveal that a key witness was a regular informant, the latest fallout in an ongoing controversy involving…
New Murder Trial Ordered in Orange County Jailhouse Snitch Fallout
SANTA ANA – An Orange County judge on Thursday granted a retrial for a man twice convicted of a double murder – the latest case to unravel amid the controversy over the use of jailhouse informants by local police and…
Unbusted – Why Frank Eiras will Get Out of Prison 300 Years Early!
Ever since California voters approved the so-called Three Strikes initiative seven years ago, thousands of nonviolent offenders—most of them drug addicts—have been sentenced to 25 years to life for crimes as pathetic as stealing a slice of pizza.
Governor Reversed on Parole
It is believed to be the first time that a local Superior Court judge has reversed the governor’s rejection of a finding that an inmate serving a life sentence is suitable for release.
Court Overturns Killing Conviction
The 4th District Court of Appeal on Wednesday threw out the murder conviction of an Anaheim man in the 1998 slaying of a woman and her unborn child.
Judge Frees O.C. Inmate While Conviction Tested
Orange County; Judge Frees O.C. Inmate While Conviction Tested; Courts: The verdict against George Lopez could be tossed. Witnesses have doubts, and another prisoner insists Lopez isn’t guilty.
Orange County: Lopez’s Conviction is Just, D.A. Says
Orange County; Lopez’s Conviction Is Just, D.A. Says; Courts: Teen imprisoned for robbery is guilty, prosecutors insist. They discount new confession.
Juror Says Deliberation is Improper
Juror Says Deliberations Improper; The panel voted to convict robbery suspect partly because he did not testify, woman says.
Prosecutors Oppose Lopez’s Appeal
Prosecutors Oppose Lopez’s Appeal; Though two victims now say convicted teen wasn’t robber, attorney general’s office files motion standing by case presented in trial.
Judge Won’t Free Jailed Man Before Appeal
Orange County; Judge Won’t Free Jailed Man Before His Appeal; Courts: Jurist calls it premature to release George Lopez despite another man’s confession in Anaheim heist.