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In 2018, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 10, also known as the No Money Bail Act, into law. This measure, which went into effect on January 1, 2020, made significant changes to the state’s bail system, including the elimination of bail for most pretrial detentions.
Under SB 10, most individuals who are arrested and charged with a crime in California are no longer required to pay bail in order to be released from custody before their trial. Instead, they are evaluated by a risk assessment tool, which considers factors such as their criminal history and the severity of the offense they are charged with. Based on this assessment, the individual may be released on their own recognizance, or they may be required to meet certain conditions, such as wearing an electronic monitoring device or reporting to a supervision officer.
It’s important to note that SB 10 does not apply to all criminal offenses in California. There are certain offenses, such as murder, that are exempt from the risk assessment process and may still require bail. Additionally, SB 10 does not apply to individuals who are deemed to be a flight risk or a danger to the public – these individuals may still be held in custody pending trial. Other factors, such as your criminal history and the specific circumstances of your case, may also come into play.
If you’re facing criminal charges in California, it’s important to understand how SB 10 may affect your case. If you have questions, please contact us to better understand your rights and options, and to help protect your interests during the legal process.