Law Change: AB 518 reduces possible imprisonment time

AB 518 is a new law that changes how punishments are determined for crimes that can be punished under multiple laws. Under the previous law, if someone committed a crime that could be punished under multiple laws, they could only be sentenced for the longest possible term of imprisonment.

The new law changes this by amending PC 654 to provide that a person can be punished under any of the laws that apply to the crime. This means that the judge can choose which law to use for sentencing, rather than being required to use the law with the longest possible term of imprisonment.

This change applies to all nonfinal cases, meaning any cases that have not yet been resolved. This could have a significant impact on how crimes are punished in California, as judges now have more discretion to choose a punishment that fits the specific circumstances of the crime.

Overall, AB 518 is a new law that changes how punishments are determined for crimes that can be punished under multiple laws. Instead of being required to use the law with the longest possible term of imprisonment, judges now have more discretion to choose a punishment that fits the crime.

If you’re facing criminal charges, it’s important to talk to a lawyer who can help you understand how this new law might impact your case.